The Scoresheet is where you live score a match from start to end. To see details for all balls from the current inning, swipe to the left or tap on the "Ball-by-Ball" tab. 




Highlighted Features:

(1) To return to Matches screen, tap on the back arrow.

(2) To access additional features, tap on the (“three dot icon”).

(3) See match summary for team scores.

(4) See runs scored by the current batters on crease. Tapping on the name of the batter allows you to change the batter, whilst tapping the arrow to the right of their name allows you to change the current strike batter. 

(5) See partnership total between the two current batters on crease.

(6) See current strike bowler. To change bowler, tap on the bowler name to choose from Selected Team players.

(7) See Scoring panel for entering ball-by-ball live match score.




(8) To enter a dot ball, use the dot button. To enter runs for the batter on strike, choose from the numbered buttons. To cancel score entered for a ball in the current over, use the Undo button. 

(9) To enter additional or Penalty runs, tap on (5+) for more options. To start a new Over, tap on (END OVER).

(10) To enter extras, for e.g. 2 leg-byes: tap on (LEG BYE) and then (2). To record a dismissal, use (WICKET) button and choose appropriate options on the Wicket screen.  


  • The Undo button can be used to remove any ball (in reverse order) from the current over. To change a ball from an earlier over, use Edit Ball.
  • The "End Over" button is the primary action button and will change depending on the state of the match (It will either show End Over, New Over or New Inning).




(11) To confirm entered scored, tap on the tick icon. To cancel, tap on (X).

(12) See ball-detail-panel which displays score as it is entered. 




(13) To Edit Over, tap on the “pencil” icon next to the Over heading. To insert a new ball into a custom position in an over, tap on the (+) icon next to the Over heading.

(14) To Edit a Ball, tap on the “pencil” icon next to a ball in the Ball-by-ball list.

(15) See details for all balls from the current inning, arranged from newest to oldest and separated by over.


Additional functions when you tap on the (“three dot icon”):




(16) To view a classic Scorecard for all innings, tap on View/Edit Scorecard.

(17) To edit settings, tap on Match Settings.

(18) To update the status of match, tap on Match Status.

(19) To edit Team, tap on Team Selection.

(20) To export match scorecard to PDF, use Export to PDF.

(21) To manually sync the match scores to Play-Cricket, use the Sync Scores button.

(22) To share toss decision via email or social media, use Share Toss Result.

(23) To share score updates via email or social media, use Share Match.