Setting up for Live Scoring

From the Matches screen, select Competition.

How do I find/select a Match?
How do I download a Match?
How do I set up the Team lists?
How do I submit a partially score match?
What are ‘Other Games’?



Live Scoring

Do I have to confirm each ball?
How do I correct the score if I make a mistake?
How do I correct the scorecard/summary scores?
How do I change a legal ball to an illegal ball (or vice versa)?
How do I change a ball to a wicket (or vice versa)?
How can I add another person to my team if they aren’t in the Team list?
How do I change the Strike Batter?
How do I change the Batter (Strike or non-Strike) if I made an error?
What happens if a Batter retires (injured or otherwise)?
How do I change the Bowler?
              Long press on  Bowler name (Current match tab)
              Entire over or remainder of over
How do I replace a player in my team?
How do I remove players from my team list?
How do I insert a ball into an over?
How do I end a match?
How do I close an innings?
How do I use Duckworth Lewis?