Setting up for Live Scoring

From the Matches screen, select Competition.

Log into Play-Cricket and select a site. From there you can see a list of upcoming Matches that you can select from.

To receive the latest list of Matches available to score, click the download icon to download the latest Matches.

Click on the download icon in the app header.

Team lists are set up straight after the Match Settings when scoring a new match. During scoring, the Team list can be edited by going into Team Selection on the app header.

You can sync the scores at any time during a partially scored match.

Click the sync button on the Sync icon on the app header.

Other Games are games setup up by the end-user and stored locally. These games are not synced to Play-Cricket.

Use the Other Games mode to preview the app's scoring features and get familiar with the Play-Cricket Scorer layout. 


Live Scoring

Do I have to confirm each ball?
How do I correct the score if I make a mistake?
How do I correct the scorecard/summary scores?
How do I change a legal ball to an illegal ball (or vice versa)?
How do I change a ball to a wicket (or vice versa)?
How can I add another person to my team if they aren’t in the Team list?
How do I change the Strike Batter?
How do I change the Batter (Strike or non-Strike) if I made an error?
What happens if a Batter retires (injured or otherwise)?
How do I change the Bowler?
              Long press on  Bowler name (Current match tab)
              Entire over or remainder of over
How do I replace a player in my team?
How do I remove players from my team list?
How do I insert a ball into an over?
How do I end a match?
How do I close an innings?
How do I use Duckworth Lewis?