Child pages
  • Bulk person import

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Microsoft Excel (97 onwards) file:Microsoft Excel (97 onwards) file:
  • Comma separated values (CSV) file:Comma separated values (CSV) file:
  • Tab separated values (TSV) file:Tab separated values (TSV) file::
    • The data can be in any Worksheet within the imported workbook, however the name of the Worksheet containing the data must be specified exactly in the Worksheet Name text box (this is case-sensitive). Alternatively, leave this field blank to automatically use the first worksheet in the workbook.
    • The Worksheet must contain data for standard fields in columns A to S as per the Field order specified below. If custom fields are being imported, these are supplied in columns T onward. However, most data is optional, and does not need to be supplied in each column.
    • Header row - a row containing the field names. Field names in the header row for standard fields are ignored. If custom fields are being imported the field nameas obtained from the downloaded template must not be changed.
    • If data is not available for a particular field for a record, leave the appropriate cell empty.
    • Use one row per record - ID numbers must not be repeated. Use as many rows as required and leave all subsequent rows blank.

      Note:If removing rows of data from Excel, make sure that the row is deleted rather than just clearing the cell contents. Even though the rows may look empty, Excel sometimes considers there to be data in to cells which can affect the import. If the import is giving problems and the data looks correct, try saving the Excel file as a CSV or TSV file, and trying to import in that format.

  • Comma separated values (CSV) separated values (CSV) file:
    • Note: CSV format cannot be used if importing Custom fields.
    • This is a file with each row on a new line, and values within each row separated by commas.
    • Header row - a row containing the field names. Field names in the header row for standard fields are ignored.
    • If data is not available for a particular field for a player, a comma 'placeholder' must be used. For example - the following is a placeholder between A and B: A,,B,C......
    • Use one row per record - ID numbers must not be repeated. IDs must not be repeated. Use as many rows as required. Each row must have a total of 16 commas, corresponding to 17 fields.

      Note: If there are commas in the data (e.g.) in an address field, this format cannot be used. In this case convert to Excel or TSV format.

  • Tab separated values (TSV) separated values (TSV) file:
    • This is a file with each row on a new line, and values within each row separated by tabs.
    • Header row - a row containing the field names. Field names in the header row for standard fields are ignored. If custom fields are being imported the field nameas obtained from the downloaded template must not be changed.
    • If data is not available for a particular field for a player, a tab 'placeholder' must be used. For example - the following is a placeholder between A and B: A<tab><tab>B<tab>C...... where <tab> refers to a tab character.
    • Use one row per record - ID numbers must not be repeated. IDs must not be repeated. Use as many rows as required. Each row must have a total of 16 tabs, corresponding to 17 fields.

      Note: Data downloaded by clicking the Download import file template link will be in tab delimited format, with a header row.

Import Field order and validation rules:

Further information about whether a field is mandatory, and the allowable values can be found within the_Required file format and validation rules_ table which displays during the import process. The same validation rules apply irresepective irrespective of whether records and added/modified using the bulk import process, or manually editing records one by one using the person edit screen.

Field number



Allowable values

'Standard fields' - these fields MUST be supplied, in this order, and the header/field name (if provided in the import file) is ignored.



The person's ID. This is a 7 digit number that can best obtained by generating an import template (see below).
* If the ID is specified any data - except the last name and first name* - for the record will be updated. However, the ID must belong to a person within your list (either with or without current roles)*. In some cases the person may be present in your list, but not be editable (this could be the case for certain transfers between clubs etc). You will not be able to change these records.
* First/Last names can only be changed by editing the individual record.*Roles of existing records is not changed by this process.
* If the ID is left blank then a new record will be created, and an ID assigned after the import process.

Integer- leading zeroes are ignored, or left blank.


First Name

The person's first name. For existing records any changes to this field are ignored. Must be supplied for new records.



Middle Name

The person's middle name(s) (or initial).



Last Name

The person's last name/surname. For existing records any changes to this field are ignored. Must be supplied for new records.




Person's street or postal address. Use as many of these as required.




Suburb, or city/town related to address.




Postcode/zipcode related to address.




State (or county) related to address.




Country related to address.



Date of birth

Date of birth for person. Allowable formats: d/m/yyyy (eg 3 April 1963 is 3/4/1963), yyyy/m/d (eg 1963/4/3), formats such as Apr 3, 1963 also allowable. Hyphens - may be used instead of slashes /. Please use the full year (1963 instead of 63) and avoid the US style m/d/yyyy format.

Date format as listed.


Home, work, mobile phone

Phone numbers for person. Mobile phone numbers should be specified as they would be called from your country - avoid international and other codes.



Email address

Email address for person. Recommended. Must be a valid email address. Multiple addresses can be entered by separating with a semi colon ((wink) - eg;




Preferably enter M or F. Anything starting with M or F is accepted, anything else ignored.



Next of Kin / Emergency Contact - Name




Next of Kin / Emergency Contact - Number



'Custom fields*' - these fields MUST follow all standard fields, order is not important, but the header/field name as obtained from the downloaded template must not be changed. Custom fields that are not required to be uploaded/modified can safely be removed/omitted from the import file, and any data in such fields will not be changed within the system.


Custom Fields - as many as required.


*Custom fields are only imported if the Import Custom Fields option is checked.

Maximum number of records
