An Association maintains Venue information, including name, address, and map reference details.

Edit/Add Venue

Venue Name (mandatory)A unique name for the venue. This will display as the venue name throughout the site.
Venue AddressFull address of the venue.
Number of fields at this venue

Enter the number of fields/ovals/pitches etc. available at this venue.

If a figure greater than one is entered, it means that more than one match can be played at the venue before a venue clash is registered. In many cases, the specific field is chosen by the host club on the day for each match.

Map Reference

Enter an appropriate reference from a local street directory. This is for display only and is free text - eg Melways 2M C10 .

Map Reference is displayed on team selection emails along with other venue details.

Latitude & Longtitude

Enable an interactive map to be displayed on the public venue page (accessed via a link on the fixture/draw, or via the Grounds list page).

These will be automatically filled if the above address details are all correct

Could be manually entered with the following terms:

  • Latitude - entered as a decimal number from -90 to 90 (negative numbers refer to 'South', positive to 'North').
  • Longitude - entered as a decimal number from -180 to 180 (negative numbers refer to 'West', positive to 'East').
    For example, the Melbourne CBD is located at lat:-37.816, long:144.963
  • Australian AMG references (obtained from most street directories) can be converted to latitude and longitude here.
  • Latitude and longitude values can be determined by entering a link from Google Maps. For most accurate results zoom in as close as possible to the venue before pasting the link.